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Franco Maria Ricci Editore
Il Labirinto scritto

La gatta, Borges e il fox terrier

Giovanni Mariotti
2020 / 56 PAGES
An account of a cat and a dog by a member of the human species who had the good fortune to know them both. Giovanni Mariotti’s book is a minimal, sophisticated, slightly extravagant work that anyone who loves cats, dogs and literature will find enchanting.
They lived in the same years, at the end of the last millennium, but they never met; their posthumous, and at least apparently cordial, date was for the end of 2020, on the cover of this little treat in book form. She was a practical cat, who in her youth had suffered the "trauma of the newborn": the same as children who have a newborn younger brother or sister. Her owners had had a son, and she, feeling deprived of cuddles, had decided to make a new life for herself. He was a fox terrier, a noble-born dog who, sent into retirement by farmers, had gone through a painful period of degradation; the break inflicted on his psyche by that experience re-emerged during the meeting and the brief coexistence under the same roof with the writer Jorge Luis Borges, with whom he had a stormy relationship. They lived, cat and dog, in the 1970s and '80s on two Milanese streets not far from each other, Via Soresina and Via Giason del Maino. A member of the human species who had the good fortune and honour of knowing them both has written their stories.
Franco Maria Ricci Editore

L’incontro dello scrittore argentino Jorge Luis Borges e del cane Mr Jones – un foxterrier a pelo ruvido – ebbe luogo nella casa dell’editore Franco Maria Ricci in via Giason del Maino a Milano.
Alcuni cani vengono addestrati a rendere servigio ai ciechi: antica servitù, che, come ebbi occasione di constatare, non aveva dato luogo a sentimenti complici, solidali e stabili fra i membri delle due categorie.
Osservando i rapporti tra Borges e il cane ebbi l’impressione che l’antipatia fosse esplosa tra loro sin dal primo momento, con le caratteristiche del colpo di fulmine.

Franco Maria Ricci Editore